Deprivation Breeds Frantic Behaviour
A shorter leash, less off leash time, more crate time, less attention.
These are all ways that we used to train dogs (and you may have had someone recently advise this, as dog training is not a regulated industry).
Not All Dogs are Daycare Dogs (and that’s okay)
I dismissed my own dog from daycare today.
5 Steps to a Confident Dog
We all want a happy, confident dog. Whether your dog is a patio buddy, a 6am soccer practice companion or your avid adventure copilot, you need them to feel safe and self assured.
Emotions in Dog Training Part 2: Rationality vs Empathy?
Being a good trainer requires that we deal with our emotions and not let them get in the way of our decision making and planning.
Emotions in Dog Training Part 1: Myth and Misogyny
There is this myth that I really really loathe. So much so, and in so many ways, that this is going to be a two parter!